PURPOSE: To validate whether the purified water supplied in the system confirms to the operational Requirements SCOPE: This procedure applied to the supply of Purified water produced by Demineralized water generation unit and supplied through tank no. 1 and tank no. 2...
PURPOSE: To ensure that the water storage area clean and free of contamination. SCOPE: This procedure applies for the storage of water in a clean overhead/U.G Tank RESPONSIBILITY : 1. Maintenance Supervisor...
PURPOSE: 1.To assess the root cause / causes and there by implement the appropriate measures to eliminate recurrence of the same at the premises of the company. 2.To assess the requirements for statutory compliance and initiate reporting process thereupon (ESI...
PURPOSE: The purpose is to define procedure for safety practices. RESPONSIBILITY : 01.Production Chemist 02. Production Manager 03. Factory Manager PROCEDURE: Ensure that helmets if necessary, safety shoes and goggles used in the manufacturing area. Also...
PURPOSE: To lay down a procedure for the maintenance in case of break down of any machine. RESPONSIBILITY : 1. Section Supervisor/Shift In-charge 2. Maintenance Engineer PROCEDURE: The maintenance team is common for...