Standard Operating Procedure Preparation of SOP

by Pharmadocx Consultants

OBJECTIVE:- To lay down procedure to prepare a SOP.

PROCEDURE:-  A SOP. is prepared in the format used in this SOP. Objective gives a brief idea that what we want to achieve by following this SOP. Procedure gives detailed method to straight to the point with all technical details

                        Any reference document related with SOP is perform this SOP. SOP is made in order mode. i.e. we will write.”Wear factory dress before entering premises”And not “Factory dress should be worn before entering premises.”  SOP. must be mentioned in SOP.


Written by Anmol Singh

Anmol Singh Completed his Bachelors in Field of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He has over 2 Years of experience in field of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Cosmetics Manufacturing.

14 June 2023

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