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CDSCO Registration for MRI machine in India

CDSCO Registration for MRI machine in India

MRI machines play a critical role in enhancing patient care. They help take informed decisions by providing a non-invasive three-dimensional internal view of the human body. In India, awareness regarding the important role ofdiagnostic imaging in early detection is...

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21 FAQs on Indian Regulations for Medical Devices

21 FAQs on Indian Regulations for Medical Devices

India is a potential global hub for medical devices. Increase in awareness, longevity, and supportive government policies are some of the factors fuelling the demand for medical devices. Hence, entities are trying to tap into the potential of the Indian medical device...

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CDSCO Registration for Defibrillators in India

CDSCO Registration for Defibrillators in India

Defibrillators are lifesaving medical devices for emergency situations. With the rise in sudden cardiac arrest incidences in India, defibrillators are in high demand. Medical device companies are viewing this increased demand as a potential business option. With...

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CDSCO Loan License for Medical Devices

CDSCO Loan License for Medical Devices

The Medical Devices Act of 2017, provides a regulatory framework governing medical devices marketed in India. The regulations ensure safe, effective, and high-quality medical devices enter the market. This ensures medical devices meeting certain quality benchmark are...

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Neutral Code for Medical Device Export

Neutral Code for Medical Device Export

India has gained a reputation for manufacturing high-quality medical devices at competitive prices. The country has supportive regulatory requirements, skilled workforce, and cheap labour offering cost advantages. This has made India a potential global hub for...

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