Standard Operating Procedure For Accident Reporting

by Pharmadocx Consultants


1.To assess the root cause / causes and there by implement the appropriate measures to eliminate recurrence of the same at the premises of the company.

2.To assess the requirements for statutory compliance and initiate reporting process thereupon (ESI Authorities, Factory Inspector (Labour), Fire Brigade, Police in case of fatal accidents, etc.)

SCOPE: This procedure applies to all types of accident reporting.

 RESPONSIBILITY : :  1.Immediate In-charge of Dept.

2. Authorised Person from the management or Medical Officer.


This procedure includes only the accidents occurring at the factory premises and does not include the accidents caused during transportation to and from the factory.

There are four situations arising when accident takes place:

A.     Accidents during Normal Working Hours.

B.     Accidents during Silent Hour / Week – Ends / Holidays

C.     Accidents during Normal Working Hours Involving Injuries To several Persons

D.     Accidents during Silent Hours / Week – Ends / Holidays Involving Injuries to several persons.

Accidents during Normal Working Hours

1.      All the required details (like condition and agencies involved causing the injury, i.e., chemicals, metal, sharp surfaces, etc.) is given to the Medical Officer

         The Authorised Person (in absence of the medical officer) by the concerned supervisor to make all the required arrangements for he treatment.

2.      The Medical Officer / The Authorised Person treats the injured person or refers him to an outside Specialist / for Hospitalization.  In such a situation, a suitable companion is arranged, preferably an experienced employee.

3.      The concerned supervisor completes the investigations and fills in the Accident Report Form in triplicate within 4 hours during the same shift and forward to Managing Director.

Accident Report Form

Date:                                                                                                                           Time:

Name of the injured Person:

Cause of Accident:



Signature of Supervisor                                                        Signature of Authorised Person:

Accidents during Silent Hour / Week – Ends / Holidays

1.      The injured person is given first –aid by an experienced employee and the concerned supervisor is informed immediately.

2.      The concerned supervisor assesses the need for further medical assistance if required will inform Managing Director and shall follow his guideline and arrange to send the injured person to the appropriate specialist outside or to the hospital with a suitable companion is arrange, preferably an experienced employee.

3.The concerned supervisor informs the hospital / specialist on telephone all the required details (like condition and agencies involved causing the injury, i.e.,

4.chemicals, metal,, sharp surfaces, etc) is given to the hospital / specialist to make all the required arrangements for the treatment.

Accidents during Normal Working Hours involving injuries to several persons

1.      The person(s) on seeing the accident should shout to alert the fellow workers, informs the security at the gate & evacuate the area.

2.      The security raises the danger siren / bell and arranges for the ambulance.

3.      On hearing the danger siren / bell, send the injured persons to the hospital with the help of other employee.

 4.     The Administration In-charge reaches the hospital, where the injured persons are shifted for medical assistance, to take any further decisions. 

5.      Employees instructed to evacuate, assemble at the respective congregation place where a head – count will be done by the supervisor and safe availability for missing persons would be ensured.

6.      The Plant Manager and the Manager, check safe restoration of normal working conditions before the all – clear siren / bell for evacuated employees to return back to work.

7.      The concerned supervisor completes the investigations jointly with the Administration in-charge. 

Accidents during Silent Hour / Week – Ends / Holidays involving injuries to several persons.

1The person(s) on seeing the accident should shout to alert the fellow workers, informs the security at the gate & evacuate the area.

    2.      The security raises the danger siren / bell and arranges for the ambulance.

    3.      On hearing the danger siren / bell, the Shift in – charge reaches the site and with the help of other employee, send the injured persons to the hospital. Additional requirements of ambulance are arranged from external agencies. 

     4.     The Medical Officer is informed by the shift in – charge and he reaches the hospital, where the injured persons are shifted for medical assistance, to take further decisions. 

    5.      Employees instructed to evacuate, assemble at the respective congregation place where a head-count will be done by the supervisors/ shift in-charge and safe availability for missing persons would be ensured.  

    6.      The sift in-charge also informs the Managing Director and the Production Manager.

    7.      The decision of safe restoration of normalcy before giving the all – clear siren / bell is taken by the Shift In-charge or wait for the decision of the concerned authorities is taken by the Shift In-charge or wait for the decision of the concerned authorities (Production Manager  / Managing Director).

    8.      The shift In-charge carries out the preliminary investigation and further investigations, if necessary, could be jointly with the Department In-charge.

             Special Disability Leave

             Those who are governed by E.S.I.S. Scheme are availing the benefit of special disability heave as per rules.

    Author: (GM Production)Checked by: (QA Manager)Authorised by: (Director Technical)
    Date:Date :Date :

       (Review date on or before 12 months from date of authorization)

    Written by Anmol Singh

    Anmol Singh Completed his Bachelors in Field of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He has over 2 Years of experience in field of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Cosmetics Manufacturing.

    11 June 2023

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