To lay down a procedure for Labelling and Packing of Ampoules/Vials
Production Chemist
Detailed instructions for labelling & packing are written under Master formula for each product. However following general points should be followed while labelling & packing.
1. A request slip is made to the stores to issue approved packing material.
2. Each ampoule / vial is cleaned with moist cloth or washed as required.
3. Check packing material for correct batch No., Mfg.date, exp. date & MRP.
4. Paste labels on each ampoule / Vial, remove extra gum, let them dry.
5. Polish them with wet cloth followed by dry cloth.
6. Re label the ampoule / vials on which label is not straight or torn.
7. Pack ampoules / vials in their respective box/ multiple box along with
dropper etc.
8. Put adhesive tape and outer label on the boxes & put them in the shipper.
9. Put clip & strip around shipper.
10. All left over packing material is collected & handed over to
manufacturing Chemist for returning to store or for destruction.