Standard Operating Procedure For Labelling And Packing Of Ampoules/Vials

by Pharmadocx Consultants


To lay down a procedure for Labelling and Packing of Ampoules/Vials


Production Chemist

PROCEDURE :-      

Detailed instructions for labelling & packing are written under Master formula for each product. However following general points should be followed while labelling & packing.      

1.                     A request slip is made to the stores to issue approved packing material.

2.                     Each ampoule / vial is cleaned with moist cloth or washed as required.

3.                     Check packing material for correct batch No.,, exp. date & MRP.

4.                     Paste labels on each ampoule / Vial, remove extra gum, let them dry.

5.                     Polish them with wet cloth followed by dry cloth.

6.                     Re label the ampoule / vials on which label is not straight or torn.

7.                     Pack ampoules / vials in their respective box/ multiple box along with

dropper etc.

8.                     Put adhesive tape and outer label on the boxes & put them in the shipper.

9.                     Put clip & strip around shipper.

10.                   All left over packing material is collected & handed over to 

manufacturing Chemist  for returning to store or for destruction.

Written by Anmol Singh

Anmol Singh Completed his Bachelors in Field of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He has over 2 Years of experience in field of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Cosmetics Manufacturing.

10 June 2023

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