To lay down the procedure for requisition of the Raw Material from store,
mode of delivery and receipt of raw material in processing area at manufacturing site.
This procedure applies for receipt of raw material.
The Production Officer.
The Store Officer.
- Obtain a set of computerised formulation order of the batch as per the production plan.
- Verify the quantities of materials required as calculated by quality assurance department.
- Check and certify that the formulation order is correct in all respects. Get it authorised from production manager.
- Deposit in stores for filling the formulation order.
- Receive the issued material through the material gate of production block accompanied by set of weighment sheet and formulation order. Dedust the container.
- Physically check all ingredients received against formulation order. Weigh and measure the quantities.
- Check the details of material labels and tags against formulation order and acknowledge the receipt of material on weighment sheet/formulation order.
- Get the quantities rechecked in case of discrepancy in presence of store officer and get the quantity corrected.
Author: (GM Production) | Checked by: (QA Manager) | Authorised by: (Director Technical) |
Date: | Date : | Date : |
(Review date on or before 12 months from date of authorization)