Standard Operating Procedure For Safety Practices

by Pharmadocx Consultants


The purpose is to define procedure for safety practices.


01.Production Chemist

02. Production Manager

03. Factory Manager


  1. Ensure that helmets if necessary, safety shoes and goggles used in the manufacturing area. Also ensure that enough nose pads, gloves, air masks are available and use when required.
  2. Ensure that lighting and electrical fittings are flame proof. In case of hot work ensure that there is a system to issue welding and fire permit (spark generating maintenance activity)
  3. Before entering into close vessel ensure for permit system.
  4. Ensure that solvent containers like drums earthed using crocodile clips while dumping flammable solvents and there is a procedure to handle hazardous chemicals.
Author: (GM Production)Checked by: (QA Manager)Authorised by: (Director Technical)
Date:Date :Date :

              (Review date on or before 12 months from date of authorization)

Written by Anmol Singh

Anmol Singh Completed his Bachelors in Field of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He has over 2 Years of experience in field of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Cosmetics Manufacturing.

11 June 2023

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