PURPOSE: To lay down procedure for cleaning of U.V. Lamp Cleaning.
RESPONSIBILITY : Production Manager
All the UV lamps located in the sterile area are cleaned to ensure that rays are not obstructed by particulate matter deposited on the tube surface. All UV lamps are numbered. This SOP is performed when manufacturing activities are not going on in the sterile area.
Requirements :–
1. A lint free cloth
2. 200 ML 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
Procedure :
1. Before cleaning commences ensure that all UV lamps have been switched off.
2. Remove the lamps by rotating them clockwise.
3. Clean the UV lamps & their cabinet with dry lint free cloth.
4. Soak lint free cloth in IPA & clean the lamps.
5. Check that No. printed on the lamps is not erased during cleaning.
6. Fix the lamps back to their position.
Author: (GM Production) | Checked by: (QA Manager) | Authorised by: (Director Technical) |
Date: | Date : | Date : |
(Review date on or before 12 months from date of authorization)