Standard Operating Procedure Overhead Water Storage Tank

by Pharmadocx Consultants

INTRODUCTION:- Over head water storage tank is located at the top floor of factory 

premises. This tank is used to store potable water. It has a water inlet & a 

water outlet. The tank is covered with a lid through which a person can pass to 

clean the tank. This tank No. is 1.


1. Scrubbing brush.

2. Caustic Soda.

3. Bucket & mug.

4. Mopping cloth.

5. Soap.


  1. Drain out all water from the tank through the drain outlet.
  2. Remove the lid of the tank to enter inside the tank.
  3. Carefully land inside the tank.
  4. before commencement of the cleaning of tank close the water outlet valve so that debris algae do not choke the pipes.
  5. Clean the walls, floor & ceiling of the tank by scrubbing with the scrubbing brush and teepol.
  6. Algae is to be removed with the help of 5 % caustic soda solution very efficiently.
  7. After removing all the deposition rinse the tank thrice with water .

Written by Anmol Singh

Anmol Singh Completed his Bachelors in Field of Mechanical and Automation Engineering. He has over 2 Years of experience in field of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Cosmetics Manufacturing.

14 June 2023

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