In-vitro diagnostic devices are instruments, reagents, or systems intended to diagnose a disease or other health conditions. IVD tests are usually performed in test tubes and similar equipment outside the body. Moreover, the tests can be performed using various...
Pharma companies are required to prevent substandard pharmaceuticals from entering the market. Thus, drugs have to be tested for efficacy, quality, and safety. Additionally, regulatory bodies require pharma companies to test the drugs manufactured for identity,...
Drug quality and efficacy impact the treatment outcome for patients. Hence, it is vital the quality of drugs remains intact till they reach the patients. The packaging of drugs protects them from damage, germs, outer atmosphere, and bacteria, thereby preserving the...
In this blog, we have explained what is pharmaceutical industry quality assurance and provided tips for effectively implementing it. Additionally, we have detailed on the importance of quality assurance in pharmaceutical industry. What is quality assurance in...
With the consistent rise in demand for medical devices and pharmaceuticals, a streamlined regulatory approval system was very necessary. Moreover, India is aiming to become the global hub for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Thus, a platform for seamless and...