CDSCO Classification of Dental Medical Devices

CDSCO Classification of Dental Medical Devices

Written by Pharmadocx Consultants

25 September 2023

The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) is the regulatory authority for the medical device industry in India. On 13 September 2021, CDSCO specified 91 dental medical devices. This list includes devices such as Dental excavators, Dental collar/crown scissors, and Dental impression material, all of which fall under the purview of the Medical Device Rules 2017. Now, let’s look at how these devices are grouped.

CDSCO Classification and Regulation of Medical Devices

Medical devices are put into four classes: A, B, C, and D. These groups are based on how the device is used, the risk it might have, and other rules from the Medical Device Rules 2017. If someone wants to get a license to manufacture medical devices, or a license to import medical devices, they need to follow guidelines from the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. These guidelines can change because of new technology or other updates in medical devices.

A medical device can be many things. It can be a tool, machine, implant, or even software. The main thing is that it’s used for medical purposes.

Types of Medical Devices

In India, medical devices are of two main types: Notified and Non-Notified. In the past, there were no strict rules for selling medical devices. Manufacturers could sell them without following any specific rules. But later, CDSCO made the Indian Medical Device Regulations (IMDR). With these rules, selling medical devices in India became more controlled. Now, only the notified medical devices need to follow CDSCO’s rules.

  • Notified Medical Devices: These devices require approval and oversight from CDSCO before they can be sold or used in India.
  • Non-Notified Medical Devices: These devices do not need CDSCO’s approval and can be sold without specific regulatory checks.

After 30 September 2022, all Class A & B Medical Devices become notified medical devices & after 30 September 2023, all Class C & D Medical devices will become notified medical devices. (Only applicable for devices that had been earlier classified as non-notified)

Notified Medical Devices Categories by CDSCO

There are 23 categories of Medical Devices notified by CDSCO. These are –

S.No.Medical Device Category
4Dermatological and Plastic surgery
7General Hospital/ Orthopaedic instruments
9Nephrology and Renal Care
11Obstetrical and Gynecological
15Pain Management
16Personal Protective Equipment
17Physical Support
23Non-sterile, Non-Powdered, Hand-Held, or Hand manipulated surgical instruments for general use in various surgical procedures

Classification of Dental Medical Devices by CDSCO

CDSCO has classified devices in the Dental category based on their intended use and risk class. There are a total of 91 dental medical devices classified by CDSCO. These are –

S.No.Product NameIntended UseRisk Class
1Dental impression materialThis material is primarily used to take an oral impression.B
2Dental collar/crown scissorsScissors use to cut delicate tissue to removing sutures to performing precision procedures.A
3Dental excavator, reusableIt is a device intended to cutting, clean out and shape a carious cavity before filling it.A
4Dental excavator, single-useIt is a single use device intended to cutting, clean out and shape a carious cavity before filling it.A
5Dappen dish, reusableIt is a small bowls used to mix and hold dental materials. These dishes can be disposable or reusableA
6Dappen dish, single-useA small, shallow concave vessel used to knead and hold dental materials.A
7Dental examination kitIntended as a kits for dental examination.A
8Dental crown, polymerA device made entirely of polymer-based material with or without fibre reinforcement, and created for a specific patient, that functions as an artificial covering to replace the major part, or the whole part, of the clinical crown of a tooth.B
9Dental crown/bridge resin, temporaryA material used to manufacture crowns and bridges.B
10Dental crown/bridge, temporaryIntended to make a temporary crown or bridge prosthesis for use until a permanent restoration is fabricated.B
11Dental material mixing surface, reusableA dental instrument slab or tray used as a surface to mix dental materials.A
12Dental material mixing surface, single-useIt has pad or tray used to knead or mix dental material (impression material, cement, etc).A
13Dental spatula, reusableA dental instrument used to mix dental materials. Some are equipped with an injection function.A
14Dental spatula, single- useA spatula-shaped device used to knead or mix dental material (impression material, cement, etc).A
15Dental crown, metal/ceramicA device made of a combination of metal and tooth- coloured ceramic, that functions as an artificial covering to replace the major part, or the whole part, of the clinical crown of a tooth.B
16Dental crown, metal/polymerA device made of metal, veneered with a polymer- based, tooth-coloured material, and created for a specific patient, that functions as an artificial covering to replace the major part, or the whole part, of the clinical crown of a tooth.B
17Dental impression material kit, reusableDevices and materials used to take the impression.A
18Dental impression material kit, single-useA collection of non-sterile devices designed to obtain a negative imprint of the teeth. The kit typically includes dental impression materials and a dental impression tray(s); This is a single-use device.A
19Dental impression material mixerAn electric device used to mix impression materials immediately before use at the chair side.A
20Dental impression material syringeThis dental injection syringe is used to inject the impression material onto the impression tray.A
21Dental impression tray materialA material intended to be used to create a custom impression tray intended for filling with dental impression materials; it is not intended for the fabrication of a patient-worn dental appliance. The material is used in cases in which a preformed impression tray is not suitable.A
22Dental impression tray, reusableA impression tray is a metal or plastic device intended to hold impression material, to make an impression of a patient’s teeth to reproduce the structure of a patient’s teeth.A
23Dental polishing brushA rotary dental brush intended for cleaning and polishing by a dental hygienist or a dentist.A
24Dental bone particle collectorA device used to collect bone debris generated by drilling, etc. during oral surgery.B
25Dental bone matrix implant, animal-derivedA sterile bio absorbable device made primarily of animal-derived bone or dentin matrix (e.g., bovine, porcine) implanted into the body to provide osteoconductive bone-tissue scaffolds to replace maxillofacial and/or mandibular bone lost through trauma or dental surgery. It is used to fill bone cavities and defects and contains pores that promote the ingrowth of endogenous bone for skeletal reconstruction and/or augmentation.C
26Dental suction systemIt evacuate solids, liquids, aerosols and gasesfrom the oral cavity and immediate surrounding area for the purpose of improving operating effectiveness and efficiency during oral treatment procedures and limiting the contamination of the immediate environment.B
27Dental suction system cannula, reusableA tubal dental device to be connected to a non-active aspiration device (usually, a dentistry dedicated device). Usedtoeliminatewater and cuttingdebris that have accumulated in the oral cavity. This device is reusable after sterilization.A
28Dental suction system cannula, single-useA tubal dental device to be connected to a non-active aspiration device (usually, a dentistry dedicated device). Usedtoeliminatewater and cuttingdebris that have accumulated in the oral cavity.A
29Carboxymethylcellulose sodium denture adhesiveAn adhesive compound composed of carboxymethylcellulose sodium (usually 40 to 100%) used to stabilize a removable prosthesis in the mouth, particularly a denture, by adhering the prosthesis to the oral mucosa. The compound is typically applied to the base of a denture before it is inserted in the mouth.B
30Carboxymethylcellulose sodium/polymer denture adhesive, zinc-freeAn adhesive compound intended to be used to stabilize a removable prosthesis in the mouth, particularly a denture, by adhering the prosthesis to the oral mucosa. The compound is typically applied to the base of a denture before it is inserted in the mouth.B
31Dental amalgamA dental restorative material used primarily to fill tooth cavities, prepared by mixing liquid mercury (Hg) with an alloy of fine particles, composed mainly of silver (Ag), tin (Sn) and copper (Cu).B
32Dental suction system fluid-separation unitA separator used in the oral cavity. Used for the separation of fluids (saliva, blood) from gases to avoid liquids from entering the suction pump (i.e., dry suction).A
33Dental suction system pumpAn electrically-powered dental suction pump used as the suction source of a dental suction system, dental treatment unit, etc.B
34Temporary mandibular condyle prosthesisA sterile implantabledevice intended for the temporary reconstruction of the mandibular condyle of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) typically in a patient undergoing ablative surgery requiring the removal of the mandibular condyle.C
35Temporomandibular joint discA sterile interpositional implant or interarticular disc, intended to permanently interface between the natural mandibular condyle and natural glenoid fossa (mandibular fossa) in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).C
36Bar dental precision attachmentIt connect removable partial dentures to fixed bridgework under a male/female locking mechanism.A
37Dental suction system disinfection control unitAn electrically-powered device intended to control the regular (typically daily) automated/semi-automated disinfection of a dental suction system tubing line.B
38Transgingival implantA sterile device intended to be surgically implanted through the oral mucosa and gingiva to provide support and a means of retention for a dental prosthesis.C
39Zinc polycarboxylate dental cementA non-sterile substance intended for professional use as a dental cement (e.g., luting agent, liner, base) and/or direct dental restorative material whereby the majority of the setting reaction is based on the hardening reaction between zinc oxide (ZnO) and aqueous solutions of polycarboxylic acid (e.g., polyacrylic acid).B
40Transmandibular implantA sterile transosteal (transosseous) device [transmandibular implant (TMI)] intended to be surgically implanted through mandibular bone to provide support and a means of retention for a dental prosthesis, especially in a patient with an extremely atrophied/deformed mandible.C
41Pliable-polymer dental regeneration membrane, bio absorbable, ligatedA sterile bio absorbable material intended to be used to aid in the regeneration of tooth support, lost due to periodontal disease or trauma, by acting as a barrier to prevent the down-growth of soft tissue (connective tissue and epithelial cells) into the underlying bone during the healing period.C
42Pliable-polymer dental regeneration membrane, bio absorbable, tackedA sterile bio absorbable material intended to be used to aid in the regeneration of tooth support, lost due to periodontal disease or trauma, by acting as a barrier to prevent the down-growth of soft tissue (connective tissue and epithelial cells) into the underlying bone during the healing period.C
43Dental surgical procedure kit, medicated, reusableA collection of various dental instruments, dressings, pharmaceuticals and the necessary materials used to perform a dental surgical procedure.C
44Dental surgical procedure kit, medicated, single-useA collection of various sterile dental instruments, dressings, pharmaceuticals and the necessary materials used to perform a dental surgical procedure.C
45Membrane fixation tack, bio absorbableA sterile bio absorbable tack intended to be used to fix a pliable-polymer dental regeneration membrane in situ to aid in the regeneration of tooth support that has been lost due to periodontal disease or trauma.C
46Periodontal root surface regeneration materialA bio absorbable material intended to be used alone or in combination with bone graft materials for the regeneration of tooth support that has been lost due to periodontal disease or trauma. It is applied during periodontal flap surgery to the scaled and preconditioned root surface and forms an insoluble matrix that creates a suitable root surface for selective periodontal cell migration and cell attachment, which re-establishes the lost tooth support.C
47Periodontal tissue reconstructive materialA sterile viscous material intended to be injected into the buccal mucosa to treat deficiencies of the gingiva (e.g., interdental papillae), through augmentation, during the treatment of intermediate stage periodontal disease.C
48Bone matrix implant, human-derivedA sterile implantable device made primarily of human demineralized bone matrix (DBM) intended to fill bony voids or gaps caused by trauma or surgery, including use in the maxillofacial and/or mandibular bone.C
49Collagen dental regeneration membraneA sterile, bio absorbable, animal-derived collagen (e.g., porcine) intended to be used to aid in the regeneration of tooth support, lost due to periodontal disease or trauma, and/or to regenerate bone or bone defects around dental implants and at sites intended for implant placement, by acting as a barrier to prevent the down-growth of soft tissue into the underlying bone during the healing period.C
50Dental cotton rollIt is intended as an absorbent, hard-packed cylinder (a roll) that is used as a saliva absorber from the oral cavity during dental procedures. It may also be used as a packing between the lip/cheek and the gum to give better examination/operative exposure.A
51Dental impression tray, single-useThe device is used mainly to facilitate the manufacturing of custom dental prostheses (e.g., dentures). This is a single-use device.A
52Preformed dental crown, permanentA prefabricated prosthetic device designed to function as a permanent artificial covering to partially or fully replace the damaged crown of a tooth. It is available as a single prosthesis or multiple prostheses of various shapes and sizes, and may include one or more try-in prosthesis replicas and other devices intended to assist the restoration procedure.B
53Preformed dental crown, temporaryThis device is commonly used during prosthodontic treatment or other restorative work required as a result of traumatic injury.B
54Zinc phosphate dental cementA non-sterile substance intended for professional use as a dental cement and/or direct dental restorative material whereby the majority of the setting reaction is based on the hardening reaction between an oxide powder [the principal constituent of which is zinc oxide (ZnO)] and an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid.B
55Dental articulation paper forcepsA hand-held manual dental instrument designed for grasping and holding articulation paper during its application to a patient’s oral cavity.A
56Dental dressing forceps, reusableA hand-held manual dental instrument designed for grasping and holding a dental dressing during its application to a patient’s oral cavity.A
57Dental dressing forceps, single-useA sterile, hand-held manual dental instrument designed for grasping and holding a dental dressing during its application to a patient’s oral cavity.A
58Rubber dam clamp forcepsA hand-held dental instrument used for the insertion and removal of rubber dam clamps.A
59Tooth extraction forcepsAhand-held manual dental surgical instrumentshaped like pincers and designed for the extraction of teeth.A
60Dental amalgam mercury dispenserA device with a valve intended to measure and dispense into a mixing capsule a predetermined amount of dental mercury in droplet form which is to be used to produce amalgam filling material.A
61Dental anaesthesia injection kitA collection of sterile devices designed to inject dental anaesthetics into gingival tissue or the oral mucosa, while preventing or reducing the risk of accidental needle-stick injury, duringrestorative or surgical dental procedures.B
62Dental anaesthesia syringe cartridgeA plastic or glass container prefilled with a single dose of anaesthetic medication intended to be inserted into a dental anaesthesia syringe and injected into oral tissues for a dental procedure.C
63Dental anaesthesia syringe, intraligamentaryA hand-held manual dental instrument intended to be used to inject an anaesthetic agent under pressure via the periodontal ligament or into bone through an attached sterile needle. This is a reusable device.C
64Dental anaesthesia syringe, reusableA hand-held manual dental instrument intended to be used for injecting an anaesthetic agent, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, from a prefilled, single-use cartridge through an attached sterile needle; a needle is not included.B
65Dental anaesthesia syringe, single-useA sterile, hand-held, manual dental instrument intended to be used for injecting an anaesthetic agent, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, from a prefilled, single-use cartridge through an attached sterile needle (needle not included).B
66Dental anaesthesia syringe/needleA hand-held manual dental instrument intended to be used for injecting an anaesthetic agent, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, from a prefilled, single-use cartridge through an included sterile needle; the needle may be attached or detached.B
67Dental anaesthesia systemAn assembly of devices used for the administration of a proportional mixture of oxygen (O2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) or medical air during dental surgical treatment.C
68Bite registration rimA schematic model of the dental arch attached to a temporary or permanent base for recording jaw relationships.B
69Bite registration rim waxA dental material (modelling wax) with or without reinforcing foils (metal, polymer) for registration of jaw relation (making bite rims). This is a single-use device.B
70Bite registration rim wax, plateA dental material (modelling wax) delivered as prefabricated plates of wax with or without reinforcing foils (metal, polymer) for registration of jaw relation (making bite rims).B
71Calcium hydroxide dental cementUse as a dental cement and/or direct dental restorative material whereby the majority of the setting reaction is based on the hardening reaction between calcium hydroxide and salicylic acid.B
72Ceramic artificial teethPrefabricated teeth made of ceramic (porcelain) for mounting on removable dentures or fixed partial dentures.B
73Dental soft-tissue matrix implant, animal-derivedA sterile, bio absorbable, animal-derived collagen (e.g., porcine) intended to be used to aid in the regeneration of oral soft tissue, lost due to periodontal disease or trauma, through promotion of new blood vessels and/or by providing a temporary scaffold for tissue ingrowth; it is indicated for various oral soft tissue augmentation procedures (e.g., alveolar ridge reconstruction, localized gingival augmentation, covering of recession defects and extraction sockets). Itis apliable material whichmaybefixedtosoft tissues with sutures; it is applied to soft tissue during periodontal flap surgery and guided tissue regeneration (GTR) surgical procedures. This is a single-use device.C
74Dental Bonding AgentsA dental resin used in the bonding of light cured composites and acid modified composites to tooth structure.B
75Dental EtchantThe material is applied for temporary etching of dental hard tissue in order to condition the surface for bonding procedures.B
76Dental Prosthesis Priming AgentA material primarily intended to be applied to a dental prosthesis (i.e., indirect restorative) immediately prior to insertion into a tooth structure to promote bonding to a prosthesis component during a dental procedure in the mouth.B
77Restorative MaterialA dental luting agent, liner, base, pulp-capping material, pit/fissure sealant, and/or direct dental restorative material for restoration of cavities in teeth.B
78Orthodontic AdhesiveUsed as a combined etchant and primer in orthodontic treatment used with/without light curing direct bonding orthodontic adhesive.B
79Dental Varnishes/ GlazingA dental device intended to be applied to the surface of a restorative dental filling to attain a smooth, glaze- like finish on the surface.B
80Dental CementsIntended for direct/indirect restoration (temporary/permanent) of tooth.B
81Dental Root Surface ConditionerAssists in the debridement and cleaning of root canals (dental) Aids in the chemical breakdown of pulp soft tissue (dental).B
82Dental Cleansing SolutionA liquid used to clean cavities or root canals after preparation, and may also be used for disinfecting the cavity or root canal in endodontic procedures.B
83Endodontic SealerTo fill and seal all pathways between the root canal and external surfaces of the tooth i.e., for permanent obturation of the root canal. Intended for use in procedure involving root filling, repair of root perforations, pulp capping and apexification.B
84Oral Cavity Abrasive Polishing AgentAn oral cavity abrasive polishing agent is a device in paste or powder form that contains an abrasive material, such as silica pumice, intended to remove debris from the teeth.B
85Root Canal Filling removal SolutionA liquid substance used in endodontic procedures for the softening and removal of root canal fillings. It will typically be introduced into the root canal using instruments. The device typically contains solvents and other elements (e.g., tetrachloroethylene, formamide, eucalyptol, excipients).B
86Dental Composite Resin KitA collection of non-sterile substances intended for professional use during dental restoration and prosthesis installation/repair which includes composite resin material and additional materials to support restoration (e.g., etching solution, bonding agent, primer, prosthesis bonding agents, unfilled resin sealant/coating agents), and may include dedicated disposable devices associated with application; it does not include non-resin based cement nor dental prosthesis.B
87Gingival Bleaching ProtectorA non-sterile paste or gel-like substance designed to protect a patients gums from the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) found in teeth whitening agents used during chairside light-curing bleaching of the teeth.B
88Dental Caries Removal SolutionA liquid substance used in dentistry to detect and remove caries from an infected tooth.B
89Denture Base ResinA collection of resins and other devices and/or materials intended to be used in the dental laboratory to manufacture a complete or partial denture base (the portion of a denture that rests on the oral mucosa and retains the artificial teeth).B
90Polymer Based Prosthodontic MaterialLight cured, methacrylate-based resin for creating reservoir space for bleaching trays is useful for laboratory procedures such as model, and die repair. It can be block out defects and under cuts on the stone models quickly and securely for precise abutment preparation.B
91Powered Surgical Drill Hand piece for Dental applicationsA device that consists of a hand piece to which is connected a variety of attachments in order to achieve a number of cutting/inserting/trimming operations.B

Pharmadocx Consultants provides services for the grant of CDSCO manufacturing and import licenses for Dental Medical Devices. Contact us today to get started in the world of medical devices!

Call/Whatsapp on +91 9996859227 or write to us at [email protected] for the first free consultation.

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