PURPOSE: To lay down the procedure for transfer of finished products to store.
RESPONSIBILITY : Production Chemist.
Production Manager
Finished formulations are kept in quarantine stores till it is cleared by Q.C.D.
Once cleared by Q.C.D. They are packed in strips/blister strip/bottles/jars etc. as per the individual case.
Once the product is packed they are transferred to commercial store vide the transfer note as per the following format:
From : Production No :
To : F.G. Stores Date :
Sl. No. | Product | Batch No. | Packing | Qty. | No. of cases |
Once the Product is transferred they are kept Product-wise with separate identity Slip/BIN Card attached.
Production dept. maintains a register indicating daily transfer details in the following format:
Date | Product | Batch No. | Units Transferred | No. of cases | Sent by | Received by |
Author: (GM Production) | Checked by: (QA Manager) | Authorised by: (Director Technical) |
Date: | Date : | Date : |
(Review date on or before 12 months from date of authorization)